In this post, let’s go all the way back to something as “simple” as linear regression and it’s closed form solution through the least squares method in an effort to unearth a couple of linear algebra gems.

When explicit formulation failed

In an ML class, we were told to find out weights to a linear regression problem through the least squares method before we were introduced to gradient descent. My first instinct was to use -

θ=(XTX)1XTY\theta = (X^TX)^{-1}X^TY

(derivation in the slides)

But I didn’t pass our autograder tests.


Because -

  1. The above form has an assumption that $X^TX$ has to be invertible. This will happen if the rank of $X^TX$, a DxD matrix, is equal to D. $rank(X^TX)$ is always equal to $rank(X)$. So we effectively need $rank(X)$ to be D. $X$ has rank $D$ when $N >= D$ and $X$ has linearly independent columns (i.e. linear independence in the $D$ dimension). But,

  2. The autograder tests don’t have such assumptions. For example, if $N < D$ then $rank(X^TX) <= N < D$, or if $N >= D$ and the columns (i.e. $X$’s features) are not linearly independent then $rank(X)$ is again less than D, in which case we were told to use pinv.

But why pinv? Read on to find out!

The minimum norm solution - with derivatives

The objective of a linear regression problem is to get to a minimum norm solution, that is, a solution which has the square of the norm - equal to the square of the L2 distance between predicted and true values - minimum. One approach to do this is by taking a derivative of the norm and equating it to zero, which we did in class and got to -

XTXθ=XTYX^TX\theta = X^TY

(derivation here)

This, again, has the same invertibility problems of XTXX^TX.

The (better) minimum norm solution - with SVD

Another approach to find a minimum norm solution consists of first finding the singular value decomposition of $X$


followed by, defining $X^+$ to be


where $Σ^+$ is obtained by taking the reciprocal of each non-zero element on the diagonal, leaving the zeros in place, and then transposing the matrix.

and finally, finding theta by

θ=X+Y=VΣ+UTY\theta = X^+Y = VΣ^+U^TY

The proof on why this theta gives the minimum norm solution is given here.

Enter Moore-Penrose

The NumPy pinv we were using to solve this problem was NOT


but the SVD $X^+$ defined above, also known as the Moore-Penrose inversion or ‘pseudoinverse’. Don’t believe me? Look for yourself here!

This is why our autograder tests passed when using pinv, because we were giving a minimum norm solution without relying on $X^TX$’s invertibility.

The relation between the two approaches

But how does this Moore-Penrose inversion - the NumPy pinv - relate to what we proved in class? Well, it reduces to


when $X^TX$ is invertible!

Read more about the Moore-Penrose inversion here. The article defines Moore-Penrose inversion based on 4 Moore-Penrose conditions and then arrives at the SVD-based computation, but both of these are equivalent. You can define by the SVD-based computation and then prove those 4 conditions. Also, the A* notation there is known as Hermitian transpose, and is equal to the ‘vanilla’ transpose for real numbers.

Please feel free to correct me if you feel there’s a mistake anywhere.
